
For details of forthcoming concerts, please also see our concert listings

Raising the Roof for Beacon Rotary.

[Saturday 30th November 2024]

This concert was a rather more jolly occasion than the Remembrance Service. There was a mix of pieces including Winter Wonderland which the band played to back the Loughborough Community Choir and for which we received an encore!

We played Cockleshell Heroes, the Beatles’ Here there and everywhere and The Magnificent Seven for which the alto saxes received private praise! In the second half the band played Come fly with me and Fairytale of New York

We were joined by old friends Sue Masters, Steve Boyles on tuba, Sally and Simon. Thanks to all of you!

New concert dates are still being added but for up-to-date concert listings please visit  where you will also find details of playing opportunities.


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LCB at St Botolph's Church, Shepshed
LCB at St Botolph's Church, Shepshed