
For details of forthcoming concerts, please also see our concert listings

Service of Remembrance, Queens Park Loughborough

[Sunday 13th November 2022]

2022 was different from 2021 in that last year the band played beside the band stand. This year the band was back on the stand and the sound travelled out over the park to reach the many, many people who joined Loughborough’s Service of Remembrance.

As normal, the band played as people assembled and then fell silent during the service, played again as the congregation left.

The grey and damp November weather made a fitting backdrop to what is always a solemn occasion, but the sun came out for a band photograph at the end.

This week there was support from deps Richard Siddons on trombone, Steve Boyles on tuba, Sue Boyles on cornet and Gareth on percussion.

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LCB at St Botolph's Church, Shepshed
LCB at St Botolph's Church, Shepshed